Fall 2014 Esteem

Elements Series Part 1: Introducing Air into the Early Learning and Child Care Setting; October 2 2014

  • A – ha moment of the importance of outdoor play.
  • Package/notes well organized and prepared.
  • Great presentation, very knowledgeable and approachable.

Lunch and Learn: Inspired Leadership – Motivating Your Team to Bering Their Best to Work; October 10 2014

  • I will add praise more often when interacting with my staff.
  • It is my job to find the best in all staff and bring it out in them.
  • Can be applied immediately.

Customized Training: Early Learning Framework; October 10 2014

  • Booklet is full of information I could use, especially on self regulation.
  • Training is reminder of what we do/should be doing everyday.
  • I can take this knowledge and apply it to our curriculum.

Customized Training, Alderwood Action After School: Observation and Documentation; October 14 2014

  • I can use this information and experience daily in my work which will help me to enhance professionalism.
  • …produce more effective and valuable observations in my classroom.
  • This was a great training, thank you for coming and teaching us.
  • A clearer understanding of the document process.

Inspiring Outdoor Play Spaces – Wisdom from the Great Outdoors; October 21 2014

  • So many great ideas!
  • …seeing different play environments from around the world was the most meaningful and informative.

Loose Parts: Exploring the Possibilities with Toddlers; October 23, 2014

  • I will be reflecting on a daily basis how to incorporate loose parts into the learning environment.
  • Most informative was how to incorporate loose parts into the classroom and how to incorporate it with provocations.

Cultivating Natural Playgrounds Workshop Series: Session 1 – Not Just Another Playground & Extending Curriculum Outdoors; November 7 2014

  • Think quick and dirty ideas and the hands-on activities we did – will be able to implement these immediately.
  • Everything consolidates my belief to include nature in teaching and as a parent.
  • All useful and practical. Great job ECCDC, top notch job!
  • Definitely going to use ideas to enhance our outdoor space.
  • The workshop provided great hands on activities using everyday materials. The photographs and examples helped make things realistic.

Reading Aloud -There’s More To It Than Meets The Eye; November 11 2014

  • I’ll add books to other centres; I’ll pause more and ask more questions.
  • I really liked the idea of taking the books out of the book centre and into other areas of the classroom.
  • Now I will be able to read to the children in a way that teaches them more than just reading the book.

Transformers and Superheroes to Princesses and Fairies – Facilitating Children’s Dramatic Play; November 25 2014

  • There is no “magical solution”. You need to get involved and converse with kids to see what they think about superheroes and guide their thinking.
  • Jen always has fantastic ideas fro incorporating new ideas into the program.
  • I found everything amazingly helpful.

Further Exploration of Designing Innovative Early Learning Environments; December 12 2014

  • Excellent Job!
  • I found all the new creative and cost effect materials most meaningful and informative.
  • Natural environment is key.

Elements Series Part 3: Introducing Water Activities into an Early Learning and Child Care Setting; December 4 2014

  • Many new ideas for incorporating outdoor water play which I am excited to do with the children.
  • New and creative ideas I would not have thought of; ex. Water walls.
  • Great reminder to take children outside in the rain!

Lunch and Learn: Respectful Communication – Strengthening Workplace Relationships; December 5 2014

  • Reinforcing my natural abilities and strengthening some areas that aren’t naturally ability.
  • I will bring this information back to share with staff.
  • Reminders of body language, especially folding arms. I do that when I am cold but it can be seen as disrespectful. I’m willing to change that body language.

Pedagogical Leadership Institute: Exploring Think Feel Act – Lessons from Research About Young Children Author’s Series; December 5 & 6 2014

  • I enjoyed the progression and found it logically Flowed well between information, activities, collaboration and fun!
  • I need to remember slow to grow. Having team members to share this experience with will provide rich dialogue and collaboration.
  • I have a lot to reflect on. I love the philosophy and our community needs continued discussion on how we can move forward.

Snapshot of a Literacy Environment; December 9 2014

  • I will be able to use this daily! Such great ideas! Thank you so much.
  • So many ways to add literacy to each area.
  • All of the hands on materials were a great way to learn.

Elements Series Part 4: Introducing Fire Activities into an Early Learning and Child Care Setting; December 11 2014

  • The workshop got me thinking “outside the box”.
  • I learned the benefits of teaching children about fire.
  • The research behind the benefits of using fire! Great! The sharing of ideas about how to use fire, also very helpful!

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