Winter 2015 Esteem

Creating Story Book Curriculums to Support Emergent Literacy; February 5 2015

  • I will take back new ideas on story telling, opportunities to engage, and how to engage with story and literacy going forward.
  • …hearing other RECEs’ ideas and stories; reminders of touch-feel-smell and giving children new words and ideas.
  • Great handouts! Great ides and information on why literacy is so important. A lot of new information.

Risk Management for Nonprofit Organizations; February 12 2015

  • This has given me a framework in which to discuss risk management with my board.
  • Having a method to review risk and having discussion with fellow attendees was very helpful.
  • Resource sharing; feeling like “Oh yay, I’m not the only one”;  great knowledge gained; and great starting points.

Celebrating Multiculturalism: The Journey of Learning Two Languages; February 17 2015

  • Maria is a very knowledgeable presenter… Clear goals, clear ideas, presents information informally but professionally; excellent presenter.
  • I want to include more languages in our centres, throughout the program.
  • …stages of development and what is normal in ESL children/bilingual children.

Professional Self-Regulation in Practice: Children, Teachers and Leaders as Risk Takers; February 20 2015

  • …rethinking our practices in centres to allow the child to take more risks.
  • …asking how and why we limit children in decision making and how we can allow children to be reasonable risk takers.
  • …rethinking how your personality and personal experiences will interfere on how we promote play.

Transformers and Superheroes to Princesses and Fairies: Facilitating Children’s Dramatic Play; February 26 2015

  • I will give children more information to encourage them to think more about what superheroes do other than use weapons to protect.
  • This information makes me more confident when working with these obstacles.
  • Thank you for another great workshop.

Creative Art: Cultivating Creativity and Balance; March 24 2015

  • Taught me once again to think outside the box. Very informative and great workshop.
  • I can help children become an artist by supporting (I can “help” instead “doing” for them).

Moving Away from Themes: Embracing Inquiry-based Learning, A Process that Values Children as Leaders and Learners; April 18 2015

  • This workshop blew my mind. What an incredible experience. My ELKP classroom will be better and inspired – WOW!!!
  • Please invite Joanne Babalis back again!
  • I have a better understanding of the development of the inquiry process.

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