Julie Thompson, Publications Administrator

Julie Thompson, Publications Administrator

Julie has been part of the ECCDC staff team since 2000. As the ECCDC’s Publications Adminstrator, Julie is responsible for the design, production and distribution of Esteem. She also designs training manuals, flyers, banners, promotional materials and other print and electronic communications for various ECCDC clients and project partners. Additionally, Julie provides administrative support for the Niagara Child Care Sector Executive and for the ECCDC Executive Director and Board as confidential secretary.

Julie’s ECCDC career began with the position of Receptionist/Secretary. She has since has taken on various roles within the organization. She has served as the Administrative Assistant to the province-wide Mentoring Pairs for Child Care Project (MPCC) and also as the ECCDC’s web administrator. This range of experiences allows her to quickly understand what is needed for various ECCDC initiatives and to produce the required items within a tight timeframe.

Julie had 11 years of clerical experience prior to joining the ECCDC. However, the ECCDC was her first foray into the not-for-profit sector. Her creative talents have flourished in this environment and over the years, she has contributed to the success of hundreds of important community initiatives.

905.646.7311 | eccdc@eccdc.org
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