Board Development

Strategic Planning, Policy Development and Process Improvement

Your organization’s policies and work processes are vital to its success. They not only determine how your program will serve families; but how your team will experience your workplace. The ECCDC’s goal is to help you create high quality, responsive experiences for families and a positive, professional work environment for your entire staff team. We offer customized, confidential consultations related to the development and implementation of organizational policies and work process improvements. If you wish, we can also facilitate strategic planning activities so that all members of your team may contribute to these policies and processes.

Board Development

We believe in supporting the development of strong, healthy organizations and building collaborative teams.  The ECCDC offers consultation, training and facilitation designed to help clarify the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors and enhance board member engagement and effectiveness.

Policy Governance

Not-for-profit organizations that use a policy governance model set out clearly defined roles for the board, the executive director and the staff. They create and implement policies that not only enhance organizational effectiveness, but foster positive working relationships at all levels of the organization. The ECCDC offers customized consultations, training and resources related to policy governance, assistance with the creation and implementation of related policies, and support to ensure their implementation.

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