Out of Niagara?

Not from Niagara but seeking to deliver outstanding early learning programs? We can help! The ECCDC’s cutting-edge professional learning opportunities and coaching services can be offered online, within your program, or in your community and our innovative resources can be shipped right to your door!

All ECCDC products and services highlight best practices and emerging trends in the sector, support the College of Early Childhood Educators’ Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, and align with How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years.  

Interested in being a project or event delivery partner with the ECCDC? We excel at event planning and management and facilitating early learning related projects with like-minded community groups and agencies in the public, private, and not for profit sectors. Contact Lorrey Arial Bonilla, Executive Director, at larial@eccdc.org for more information.

905.646.7311 | eccdc@eccdc.org
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