Fall 2018 Esteem

The Seven Life Areas Vision Board Workshop; November 29 2018

  • “This workshop helped me open up about myself and learn more about ME.”
  • “This session linked well to work life balance strategies.”

Screen Time and Our Environments – Finding the Balance; November 27 2018

  • “I enjoyed the in depth information about the long term effects of young children’s use of technology.”
  • “The information shared was very up to date and provided me with a better understanding of the growing connection between children and technology.”li>
  • “I reflected on my own screen time and how it impacts the ones around me.”

Work-Life Balance, Dream or Reality? Strategies for Stress Management and Work Life Balance; November 22 2018

  • “I am learning to be more focussed on the moment and becoming mindful in my daily practice.”

Supporting Risk and Challenge for Infants and Toddlers; November 12 2018

  • “After this session, I feel more informed about risks and challenges that infants face or take.”
  • “The most meaningful part of this session was learning about different types of risk.”

Documenting Children’s Voices through an Approach of Consultation and Democracy with Claire Warden;
November 3 2018

  • “I learned a new way to document: highlighting the children’s voices.”
  • “I have a new way of observing children and their interests.”

CPL Portfolio – RECE Peer to Peer Sharing Session; November 1 2018

  • “The whole session was helpful to me for creating my portfolio.”
  • “The peer to peer discussions were a great time to network about the CPL.”

Beyond the Visual Schedule – A Workshop for Individuals Working With Children; October 30 2018

  • “This session provided examples of types of visual schedules to implement within the classroom setting to help with transitions and routines.”

How Does Learning Happen for EarlyON Teams – Making Children’s Learning Visible; October 26 2018

  • “This session really made me think about some of the other reasons why we document, or what – social relationships and competencies.”
  • “This session has helped me to think deeper about pedagogical documentation and my practice.”

Speaking the Language of School Age Children – Utilizing Shared Spaces in School Age Programs;
October 25 2018

  • “It is difficult to find storage in the classroom, but knowing about new space saving possibilities will definitely make it easier to create space.”

Challenging Behaviour in Young Children; October 20 2018

  • “This session has given me a fresh and new way of looking at children’s behavior.”

How Schema Play Supports Children’s Learning and Development; October 18 2018

  • “The most meaningful part of this session was all the hands-on, interactive activities we were provided.”
  • “The most informative part of this workshop was exploring what schemas are and using examples of them in the classroom.”

Art and Ecology – Techniques and Approaches for Artmaking with Natural Materials and Deepening Ecological Connections through Art Materials; October 13 2018

  • “I loved the setting for this workshop. So much hands on exploration!”
  • “Wonderful session. The development of place and connection resonated most. Thank you.”

The ABCs and 123s of Emergent Literacy – Linking Early Literacy and Math Skills In Our Everyday Experiences; October 11 2018

  • “I learned how to better identify opportunities for language, math and literacy.”
  • “I enjoyed the explanations about how literacy and math are connected and how they apply to each age group.”

Sharing Sensitive News – A Hanen Training Module; October 4 2018

  • “I will use all the information every day when talking with parents.”
  • “A meaningful part of the training was the reminder that staff are a team when sharing sensitive news with a parent.”

Speaking the Language of School Age Children – Physical Literacy in School Age Programs; October 4 2018

  • “It was a real eye opener about how much daily physical activity is recommended vs. actual daily physical activity.”
  • “The most informative part of this workshop was the types of play and introduction to play theories.”

Playwork Series Session One: Theories of Play; October 3 2018

  • “The most meaningful part of the session was learning the benefits of risk taking and its emotional benefits.”
  • “I will now be letting the children explore more often with less teacher involvement.”

How Does Learning Happen for EarlyON Teams – What Does How Does Learning Happen? Look Like for Families?; September 28 2018

  • “This session has helped me feel confident about the way I interact with families.”
  • “The most informative part of the session were the strategies for communicating with parents, as their child’s first teachers.”

Speaking the Language of School Age Children – Embedding Participation and Consultation within Your School Age Pedagogy; September 27 2018

  • “I gained many skills and strategies today to take back to my school age group.”
  • “The most informative part of this session was learning how to be mindful with language and considering participation and consultation.”

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