Spring 2014 Esteem

ONCA, The Alphabet Soup of the New Not-for-Profit Corporations Legislation in Ontario: The Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act and Anti-Spam Legislation; June 20 2014

  • This information will be very helpful with making changes to our by laws.
  • I gained a better understanding of the new legislation.
  • It was all very informative and meaningful.
  • As a representative of my division I can coordinate messages and be the liaison for other staff members.
  • I feel that I now have a better understanding of this legislation.
  • Excellent presentation.
  • Any new knowledge is useful. The facilitator is very knowledgeable.

Loose Parts: Exploring the Possibilities with Preschool & School Age Children; June 11 2014

  • Lots of practical ways to use loose parts, ideas for what loose parts could be.
  • The session changed my frame of mind- loose parts have no specific set of directors.
  • Lots of loose parts would be a great asset to our centre.
  • Bringing in more loose materials; Stepping back and letting children explore freely.
  • I will begin to implement ideas immediately and start collecting “loose parts” . This was the way I was taught in ECE.
  • Most informative were the Ideas on how to use loose parts, the value of loose parts and how to link to the curriculum.

Innovative Observation and Documentation Strategies; May 29 2014

  • Be mindful of the important of observing and following through with play and children’s learning then document.
  • …daily plans and implementing, the children will learn plenty and I will learn from my children.

Reading Aloud: There is More to it Than Meets the Eye; May 22 2014

  • My ELKP’s love storytime. Bringing excitement into the afternoon will help a ton.
  • …reminding me of strategies for reading as well as new ideas to make reading a shared interactive experience.
  • …knowing more info to bring back to the classroom and being able to involve the children more.

Building Blocks:Designing, Facilitating and Supporting Block Play with Young Children; May 14 2014

  • I’ve been struggling with children playing with blocks all day, I’ve been shown some fantastic ideas to look for in their day.
  • I am going to use this information and knowledge as soon as I get to work. So excited!
  • That block centre doesn’t just mean building blocks you can add different accessories.
  • …the ability to use everyday items in such unique ways!

Enhancing Professional Practice through Case Studies; May 12 2014

  • Nice to take the time to put the standards into perspective.
  • A different perspective of other RECE’s makes you think about the situation differently.

Customized Family Engagement in the Early Years for Guelph Quality Initiative; May 10 2014

  • …hands on ideas of family engagement will come in handy while building relationships.
  • I will now ask parents more questions about themselves and their child, get to know them more.
  • Every parent/child interactive program should be aware of parents values and what they want to get from the program.
  • I have always believed building relationships is the only way to build communities.
  • Reminded me what I am doing right or can work on.
  • …how to get parents engaged, not just involved.
  • …how important it is to develop person relationships with parents and really get to know them.
  • …reaffirming my passion that parents are competent and capable we need to work together with parents for best for their children.

Developmental Program Planning, Curriculum and Pedagogy Series: Pedagogical Documentation and Studio Experience; May 3 2014

  • I will share what I learned with colleagues, bring to team meetings, continue to explore with materials in new ways.
  • This session has inspired me in the way I listen to others and value the importance of documentation that is meaningful.
  • It has given me a sense of purpose for my documentation that I have collected. It taught me to really take my time to observe all aspects of the documentation, its more than just taking pictures.
  • There is no right or wrong way, it takes time to evolve. How we can use documentation to inform families about their child’s competencies and our program’s strengths. I enjoyed the passion of the presenters and their belief in the process.

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