Spring 2018 Esteem

Beyond the Classroom – Integrating Outdoor Learning into Practice; August 11 2018

  • “Juliet was amazing. The workshop was powerful and very informative.”
  • “I liked how the content can be applied to all different age groups.”
  • “The positive environment and energy made all the information and ideas exciting.”
  • “I will use every opportunity to teach through nature and loose parts.”
  • “I gained more ideas about how to better utilize loose parts outdoors.”

Strengthening Your Creative Art Program Through Open-Ended Art Experiences; June 28 2018

  • “This session provided me with ideas for setting up art experiences instead of crafts.”
  • “Exploration is greater than the end product.”
  • “I enjoyed the strategies for providing more engaging materials for my children to create with.”

How Does Learning Happen in a Home Based Setting? Series Part 3: Observing and Documenting Children’s Learning; June 18 2018

  • “The most informative part of this session was the learning story and all the handouts.”
  • “I learned different ways to document and strategies for involving parents.”

The Challenge of Choice – An Engaging Workshop on Making Insightful and Critical Decisions; June 12 2018

  • “I will use this experience when making decisions related to client involvement.”

Better Business Practices Series: Sound Hiring Practices; June 7 2018

  • “This session provided a lot of helpful information specific to small organizations.”
  • “This session provided great information to re-assess our organization’s hiring policies and practices.”

Better Business Practices Series: Employment Contracts Fundamentals – Drafting Enforceable Employment Contracts; May 3 2018

  • “This session answered many questions related to all the changes with Bill 148 and employee/employer rights.”
  • “We will be taking many of the points learned and implementing them in our contracts.”

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