Winter 2019 Esteem

Behaviour Awareness & Self Regulation; April 25 2019

  • “The presenters really provided great insight into WHY some behaviours emerge in young children.”
  • “The most informative part of this session was the strategies to help educators deal with different types of behaviours.”

Reggio Inspired Interactive Environments; April 16 2019

  • “I loved the content, the examples, and learning about the history of Reggio Emilia.”
  • “I enjoyed the nine different provocations on the floor.”
  • “This session was very informative, interactive; it resonated with me and left me with wonder.”

Talking to Kids About Death and Dying and Promoting Self Care Through Self Compassion; April 9 2019

  • “Another tool in my toolbox. Whether for my own children or children at work, I now feel better equipped to deal with grief and death.”
  • “It was valuable to learn how to appropriately address death.”
  • “The most meaningful part of this session was learning that children grieve at a very young age.”


Watch Your Words: The Power of Self-Talk and Self Care for Educators; April 6 2019

  • “I really enjoyed learning the meditation techniques.”
  • “This professional learning opportunity helped me rethink the thoughts and circumstances that weigh me down.”
  • “The information will help me separate life struggles from work, so I can be in a mindset ready to educate.”


Teacher Talk: Encouraging Language Development in Early Childhood Settings; March 23 2019

  • “This workshop provided me with strategies for working with children to help their language skills development.”
  • “This information will enhance my teaching and my communication with students.”
  • “The most informative part of the session was identifying stages and developmental styles.”

Better Business Practices Series: Ontario Human Rights Commission Policy on Accessible Education for Children with Disabilities and the Duty to Accommodate; March 21 2019

  • “The most informative part of this session was the legal advice and case information.”
  • “I will be able to use this information in developing policies and training.”
  • “I appreciated the handout and discussion.”

Supporting Infant Mental Health in the Early Years Through Attachment; March 21 2019

  • “I learned a lot about cues and how to identify them and respond.”
  • “The most informative part of the session was learning the different sleep stages and attachment.”
  • “I will share this information with parents!”

RIRO Resiliency Skills Training; February 9, 2019

  • “I liked all the personal self-reflection offered at this session; it made it easier to grasp the content.”
  • “I already apply some of the skills discussed, but this workshop provided more strategies and gave meaning and importance.”
  • “This was a great workshop. Very informative and it helped me learn more about resiliency.”

Naturalizing Your Indoor Early Learning and Child Care Environment; January 31 2019

  • “I am now more confident with allowing children to have more nature items and taking more risks with them.”
  • “This session provided lots of opportunity for collaborating with people at my table and around the room.”
  • “The most meaningful part of this workshop was learning the different ways you can add nature into activities.”

Supporting Young Children’s Self-Regulation with Dr. Susan Hopkins; January 26 2019

  • “This session touched all of self-regulation’s domains in a scientific and easy to understand way.”
  • “The workshop will help me support children with developing resilience and helping their parents to strategize for this.”
  • “The information I learned will help those students who are struggling to regulate emotions.”

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