Fall 2016 Esteem

iPad Training Series: Introduction to the iPad; Evergreen iPad; and Data Collection & Management; December 6, November 22, & October 18 2016

  • “I found the different apps and how they support the children’s interests and learning styles the most informative part of this session.”
  • “The information I learned tonight will help me further the children’s technicology skills in the classroom.”
  • “Being introduced to the variety of hands-on apps and having the presenter show me how they work was very helpful.”

Grocery Store Tours; December 3, November 3  & October 12 2016

Exploring the Reggio Emilia Approach; November 26 2016

  • “The hands on materials brought authenticity to the overall message of the workshop, I found the experience were very meaningful.”
  • “The images in the slideshow gave me wonderful ideas on how to provoke curiosity and engagement within my program.”
  • “I enjoyed all the collaboration and the opportunity to interact with other centres around southern Ontario.”

An educator Toolbox to Applying the Four Foundation from How Does Learning Happen?; November 24 2016

  • “I will be able to use this information in my daily interactions with the parents and children.”

Children and Anxiety: How to Nurture Anxious Children within Early Years Settings; November 3 2016

    • “This information was useful as this will help me to better support a child when they are experiencing anxiety.”
    • “There were a lot of great ideas that I will take back to share with my colleagues. I now have a better understanding of anxiety.”

Value Based Budgeting; October 19 2016

  • “This workshop provided great practical skills that we can use in our organization – good, new approaches to values and budgeting.”
  • “The informative conversations with supervisors about the budgeting process – linking budget to outcomes – was very meaningful.”

Inspiring the Love of Food – Things We Plant, We Eat; October 13 2016

Fall Collaborate and Create Make and Take Workshop; October 12 2016

  • “The tools I created today will be useful as they will help my students explore and inquire about the things they are interested in.”
  • “I found the tips and pointers, such as using sand with the light box, very informative.”

Forts and Dens for Infants & Toddlers; October 4 2016

  • “This workshop was very informative. I will use the information I gained for building dens in my centre.”

Ecologies of Childhood: Linking Place, Play and Pedagogy; October 1 2016

  • “I enjoyed the information I received on how to enhance our outdoor play areas, taking risks, and taking materials outdoors.”
  • “I found the information regarding Forest School principles and values and how to incorporate these into my programming and intentions as an educator very meaningful.”

Treasure Baskets for Infants & Toddlers; September 29 2016

  • “I enjoyed learning more about heuristic play. I will be incorporating the workshop ideas within my kindergarten environment.”
  • “This workshop helped me brainstorm some new ideas on how to use treasure baskets in my room as well as how to encourage the children to explore the materials.”

Invitations to Play for Infants & Toddlers; September 22 2016

  • “The specific ideas for sensory exploration with toddlers, e.g. leaves on burlap. were very helpful.”
  • “I enjoyed the group conversation and activities; it was a good opportunity to value each others work.”

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