Fall 2017 Esteem

Treasure Baskets and Heuristic Play; November 14 2017

  • “I loved making our own starter kit baskets!”
  • “This professional learning opportunity provided me with ideas for natural items to add to the treasure baskets.”
  • “The most meaningful part of this session was how the material links to How Does Learning Happen?
  • “I definitely want to take some plastic toys away and try the treasure baskets.”
  • “I will be able to utilize the baskets in an ongoing way to observe development and interests.”

Moving from Theory to Practice Professional Learning Institute: Implementing Ontario’s Early Learning Frameworks into daily Practice for Family Support Teams, Exploring Reflective Practices; November 10 2017

  • “This session exemplified how valuable reflective practice is, as well as documentation.”
  • “The most informative part of this professional learning opportunity were the discussions about communicating more eflectively with families.”

Leadership Workshop Series: Risk Management for Not for Profit Organizations & Quiet Conversations – Supporting Staff During Situations of Grief; November 7 2017

  • “The most meaningful parts of the sessions were the risk management charts and grief support resources.”
  • “I will be incorporating some of the applications into our program’s policies.”

Executive Directors Network Meeting; November 7 2017

  • “These are great networking ideas to bring back to our organization for reflection.”
  • “The presenter asked great questions to enhance dialogue and bring forward thought provoking discussion.”

Supporting Unstructured Outdoor Play in Early Years Settings; October 28 2017

Niagara’s Naturalized Playgrounds Bus Tour; October 14 2017

Grocery Store Tours; October 12, 14, 18 & 28 2017

  • “I feel more informed and aware of good food choices.”
  • “I can now explain and help the children to choose healthy food in my daily practice.”

Ridiculous Rules in Early Learning Programs; September 26 2017

  • “We will be having a discussion about some of the rules we have that can and should be changed.”

Speaking the Languages of School Age Children: Utilizing Shared Spaces in School Age Programs; September 21 2017

  • “I will be able to use the new ideas for storage and collaboration in my daily practice.”
  • “I use a cart everyday; this information will be useful all the time!”

Learning Conversation Part One: Fostering Effective Communication with Colleagues and Community Partners; September 20 2017

  • “I will use this information to continue to grow as a professional – to be able to support families and other professionals effectively.”
  • “The most informative part of the session was the suggestion to build leadership in all staff, not just supervisors.”

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