Spring 2015 Esteem

Using Recycled Tires Within Your Outdoor Early Learning Environment; June 30 2015

  • “We will be able to use the tires for the toddlers to crawl under and between and for many gross motor skills.”
  • “I got a lot of terrific ideas looking forward to implementing these things.”

How Do I Write?; June 16 2015

  • “I enjoyed the dialogue in this session, learning from April and others on how to bring writing into our program and make it more interesting. Great workshop!”
  • “I will be assisting staff with transitioning to the type of learning presented this evening, allowing children to take risks.”

Exploring Nature Education; June 16 2015

  • “I loved having the time to play with all the loose parts. I cant wait to implement all the information I gather this evening in my program.”
  • “I had fun creating and exploring. I know the children in my program will enjoy participating in these activities.”

Infant and Toddler Schema Play; June 3 2015

  • “This workshop provided me with insight of how to move forward with my observations and truly engaging children through their interests.”
  • I will be able to use this information and experience in my daily work “to help me gain an understanding of why infants and toddlers engage in repetitive play and the importance of it ”.

Launch of the Niagara Nature Alliance & Feature Presentation – Inspiring Nature Education in Niagara’s Early Learning Programs; June 2 2015

  • I will be encouraging the children to use “more natural materials to explore and use in our creative and everyday activities”.
  • I will “use the Alliance to explore opportunities in my community and resources I can bring back to my classroom”.

Designing Engaging Gardens for Kids: From Seed to Table; May 30 2015

  • “I learned a lot of information about what is edible, what plants are easy to grow and various ideas beyond the average garden.”
  • “I found this workshop satisfying and practical. It is a boost of confidence when we are able to take home our ‘projects’ and show what we have learned.”

From Protection to Resilience; May 13 2015

  • The information presented will “assist me in moving forward with playground revision and planning with a fresh approach – allowing for risk” in my daily work.
  • I will “look at experiences in a different way at work and with my family”.

Making Literacy Part of Every Day; April 23 2015

  • “Great handouts with great pictures for new ideas to use in our centres.”
  • “Makes you think of ways to incorporate language and reading in all the child care centre rooms.”
  • “How simple it is to add literacy everyday!”
  • “I found the whole workshop informative and meaningful.”

Messing About; May 7 2015

  • “I will be able to use this information in my daily work by taking the time to mess about with materials, connecting with others, and providing new ways to use materials.”
  • “Messing about vs. making a mess – the phases of learning” is what i found to be most informative.
  • “Setting up the invitation for learning (and just how easy it is)” is what I found to be most informative.

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